Personal Coaching for Midlife Women
Personal Coaching for Midlife Women
by Ellen Besso
Coaching is, in some ways, the new counselling. While on the same continuum as counselling, coaching deals with the present and future more. It is a very proactive, forward moving way for relatively productive people to move forward in life. You and your coach work as a team, identifying the beliefs that are limiting you, using conversation and specific exercises to dissolve these issues, then planning and working towards your new life. Coaching can be used in one or more areas of your life.
When I took my coaching training, I had spent many years on my own self-growth as I simultaneously assisted others with life challenges. I thought I was pretty self-actualized. I gave myself permission to do most everything that appealed to me, including moving across the country at age 40 and going back to school to formallize my counseling training at age 49.
But nothing prepared me for the turnarounds that happened during and after my training. I discovered that I was limiting myself in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. I was keeping myself small. My passion was to work with midlife women in a holistic practice, but the idea of putting myself ‘out there’ and embracing the possibility of being big…in my person, in my energy, in my business, well that was quite a stretch.
I didn’t realize at first (odd you might think), that in order to grow and expand a business, you have to do the same with yourself! Over the past 2 years I have slowly given up the idea of being small, in many aspects of my life, not just my business. I have grown more confident as a woman and as a business person and I now honor myself by surrounding myself with a business and personal support team who truly have my best interests at heart, and are themselves empowered.
When we are ready for change, the right people appear to help us and to work with us. And we attract all kinds of clients and friends who like to be around the upbeat energy of joy and success that we exude.
My coaching work with midlife women is very rewarding to me. It’s a joy to see how the conversations and exercises stimulate them, how small changes and awarenesses lead to larger ones. That’s the way it works, if we can open ourselves just a little bit to change, there’s no going back.
Perhaps you have wondered about seeing a coach…thought it might be a good fit. If you are truly ready to make change in one or more areas of your life, it may be right. If you have a strong desire to move forward, to examine the beliefs that are limiting you, you will be very pleasantly surprised with the changes you can make in yourself and your life.
Copyright 2007 Ellen Besso - Personal Coaching for Midlife Women
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800 961 1364 – North America or 604 886 1916 – Sunshine Coast
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