Gibsons Movie TheatresA Sunshine Coast BC directory of Gibsons Movie Theatres. Located in the town of Gibsons BC. Gibsons Cinema is located at 909 Gibsons Way - Join us for the latest releases of your favorite stars. The theatre itself features 214 seats and has a marvellous original wood stage capable of handling live acts. Check out NOW PLAYING for current features and times. Call 604-886-SHOW to reach Gibsons Cinema!
For current movie listings and times, click on the NOW PLAYING link in the yellow Gibsons Cinema ad above. If you are looking for a movie theatre in another Sunshine Coast BC community, be sure to check the other Service Directories from the Sunshinecoast-bc homepage.
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Thanks for all the info! This is one of the best sites I have found! Easy to navigate and I can't wait to visit the Sunshine Coast!Melanie - Seattle Washington