Powell River Canoe & Kayak
This is a Sunshine Coast Directory of Powell River Canoe & Kayak, Rental & Sales.
- Mitchell’s Canoe & Kayak 8654 Hwy 101 Tel: 604-487-1609
- Powell River Sea Kayak 10676 Crowther Tel: 604-483-2160
- Rockfish Kayak 1436 Hwy 101 Tel: 604-414-9355
- Skeeter Jacks 9398 Hwy 101 Tel: 604-487-1917
- Terracentric Coastal Adventure 1451 Hwy 101 Tel: 604-483-7900
- Y-Knot Camp & Charter 7960 D’Angio Tel: 604-483-3243
Some of the businesses above offer rentals and sales, be sure to ask if the dealer you contact offers the service you are looking for.
If you are looking for canoes & kayaks in another Sunshine Coast community, be sure to check the other Service Directories from the Sunshinecoast homepage.
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