Sechelt Dentists & Denturists
This is a directory of Sechelt Dentists & Denturists.
 Dr. Donald R Bland, DMD A Smart Smile...oral health care with a focus on health. Preventive dentistry beginning with children age 1 year , we emphasize caring and rely less on medications for apprehensive clients, services include root canals, mouth guards, crown and bridge, oral surgery, implants, basic care that ensures comfort, function and aesthetic results. We accept dental insurance assignment and encourage keeping up with payments as treatment proceeds with debit or credit card payments. 632 Farnham Road Gibsons BC V0N 1V8
Call 604-886-7020 or
Dr. Bland!
- Dr. Lorne Berman 5684 Dolphin St Tel: 604-885-3244
- Cowrie St Dental Center 5662 Cowrie St Tel: 604-885-4669
- Dr. William Culhane 5662 Cowrie St Tel: 604-885-4669
- Dr. Jack Malnarick 5684 Dolphin St Tel: 604-885-3244
- Dr. Carl Amberg 5674 Teredo St Tel: 604-885-2246
- Dr. Frank Berger 5674 Teredo St Tel: 604-885-2246
- Dr. Sabina Schloegl 5684 Dolphin St Tel: 604-885-3244
- Sechelt Dental Centre 5684 Dolphin St Tel: 604-885-3244
- Stuart Flockhart 5710 Teredo St Tel: 604-885-2633
If you are looking for a dentist or denturist in another Sunshine Coast community, be sure to check our other Service Directories from the Sunshinecoast-bc homepage.
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